Source: Published on Redfin Blog December 7, 2023 by Marcello Kline
In this Redfin blog post, the focus is on achieving a home that radiates opulence and sophistication through the art of luxury décor. The article explores key elements such as:
Carefully chosen area rugs, accentuating walls with textures and artistry, harmony in hues by utilizing complimentary colors, Illuminate elegance with light fixtures, add nature’s touch of luxury with foliage and planters.
The article includes notable contribution from Interior Designer Samia Verbist, who delves into the heart of the home—the kitchen. Recommendations include upgrading faucets, incorporating higher-grade countertop materials like marble, and opting for neutral-toned cabinetry with attractive backsplashes.
The blog also emphasizes the importance of layering in luxury décor, combining textures, patterns, and materials to create a visually rich and multidimensional living space. Finally, the article suggests featuring a bespoke centerpiece that reflects personal taste, acting as the gravitational center and adding depth and character to the overall design. Samia Verbist eloquently underscores the significance of investing in a custom centerpiece that not only complements the room's décor but also serves as a focal point, captivating and sparking admiration.
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